Words bled in the ocean of his sorrow Waves clashed against the ships on the water The light is impaired and destroyed by the storm clouds A deep sense of loneliness is cast against the ships As whispering voices floated through the waters “You’re not good enough.” “You’re too emotionless.” “You won’t amount to anything.” The waves damage the boats as every hasty and bad decision is made 1 cut 2 cut 3 cut 4 cut 1 wave 2 waves 3 waves And 4 The sunlight is wiped away as tears are shed from the feelings of despair The ocean of his sorrow is flooded with damaging insults The ocean of his sorrow is casted with the acts these words caused The ocean of his sorrow casts a dark forecast over the bright sunlight His beliefs that there way be a brighter day somewhere are smothered by the overwhelming words that bleed into the ocean His acts are getting hastier and reaching far more drastic His ships are being smothered by all the negative He fears that by the time he asks for help They’ll be too far down their sinkhole of sorrow to be heard before it’s too late