I walk with "ANOTHER", I walk with a "LOVER", I walk with "LOVED" ones, I walk to be "MY" happiest, I wish I had my four leaf "CLOVER" luck.
"THE" way of life relies on luck Yet my "CLOVER" was secretly five, Hit with bad "LUCK", I found out that I "NEEDED", Less luck & more "LOVE", With that said I left "SINCE", My heart was "NO" longer whole, I will always love that "ONE", I guess I "COULD" be the one, Yet I couldn't "FIND" the one. So is one's "LOVE" important, or one's pain.
"FRIENDS" can be here, Or there, But the ones we "FIGHT", Tend to stay the most, Probably as "OFTEN" as they fight, We can see that, They feel compassion despite their spite...
"LOVE" is a tragedy brewing, Yet friends find "LOVE" in anything, So is all we want is tragedy, Or the small amount of good times, We find from "LOVE".