When she became to be Within me She strummed ribs, Finger picking nylon bones to her fancy Twirling among a galaxy of placenta Knowing full well I would wiggle with her My fleshy palms pressed upon apple core Desperate to know if it was her elbow or heel or maybe even a shoulder blade A Where's Waldo of who my baby would be A Where's Waldo of your daddy and me
Now here she is
We find every part of ourselves ever lost Within her I see you in the pure sweetness of her eyes A translucent mountain of green cane sugar Like you, Only the lucky ones get to witness the Emerald City I see myself in the way she grips loose hair strands at my nape like an anchor She holds on the way I have my whole life, with vigor she can't be left behind In a world of brothers
What do we do with all of this life up to me and you?