A recent theme in my Writings has been Umbral Catharsis: cleansing of and by the deepest parts of Shadow; a lesson in the form of a ceaseless Nightmare.
On one Hand, I am sorry that many of my recent writings have been woeful or otherwise dark; I've just needed to get the feelings out of my Mind and onto proverbial Paper so as to free up Mental Space so as to allow for new growth, and so in that way I am not sorry at all for what I have written and said; it is healthy to reflect:
To make of Suffering, Art and then to share that Art for the purpose of any Art is to be borne witness to.
Recognize the Shadow Observe the Shadow Familiarize the Shadow Quarantine the Shadow Learn from the Shadow Transmute the Shadow Incorporate the Shadow Express the Shadow
and finally, get the **** on with your Life! Such is Umbral Catharsis