Meta means above Meta means transcend Meta means “next level up” With meta you’ll ascend
So when it comes to daily acts Choose those with “meta” powers Build a business Write a book Plan for years - not hours
For meta-choices carry-on Far past the “choosing” day Earn a black belt Frame a house Vision - paves the way
Meta-Decisions - Meta-Thoughts Will build both wealth and peace Release yourself From “pushing” Meta - “pulls” increase
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Meta has become a kind of slang in come circles, but the real meaning is above or transcend. I've used the term "Meta-Decision" for years to describe decisions that impact your life for months or years to come.
We all make decisions daily. Sometimes we make meta-decisions, like choosing to get married, have a baby, start a business, or go to college. These thoughts and actions are "above" regular decisions because they are commitments that set your trajectory for years to come! We all make a few meta-decisions in our life. However, you can gain greater success by thinking "meta" more often.
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