Numbers stun me letters numb me postscripts let me down why can't it all be black and white why can't I just sit tight and wait until it all comes clear to me?
I can see my exodus in chapter fifty eight which is not quite halfway through this book I write but that's alright I think I'll cope just pencil in the margins a little bit of faith and hope some charity for clarity ,we all need that.
It leaves one feeling flat though, when the thought to go before the book is wrote and read, means only one thing. One being,being dead.
I might rewrite, I do not know where the story in this tome will go and if I did would my pencil do as it is bid or would it wander off alone to atone in scratchings on the slate before it is wiped clean or is it all too late? Sit tight and wait? that's what I'll do until the writing's through and I break through into the other side, slide those curtains open wide and view the library of my life.