Balanced am I upon a mountaintop one leg cocked skyward poised thru tethering to the gravity of constellations woven into fate mine energies cohabitate
Whilst glued to grinding neath the bound surrounding free to nearly being in conspiring with the flow of time inside my flailing soul whose spiritual coalescence belies mine essence,
blind in the rivers of ether deliriously breaking into tangents, ripple-spake by words of power
circumstantially; expanse condensed in resplendence; by the intraterrestrial churn erupted in lattice breath
whose breadth breaks, ne’er brakes, a hatch-ed egg this intimate visceral expositional relay race, disgraced in commercial pragmatic proximity
We whose manifest, relegated, dissipates our freedom
unto they who reel in the dark alert and ever dredged in drudgery; disseminated unto Us who are fettered to leaving
There shall, then, it coagulate beyond bright shining Sunlight molding in the wrought expanse of pools running deep into streams of eye-lit closure intermingling in the universal anima, where light refracts to form a mirror
Emboldened is collective perspective Nigh mind left blind couldst thy finding unwind thine intertwining whence dispensed;
betrayed and evanescent foolishly you went, alone, into the extraneous dry, cold dark
so light cuts chasms through the third dimension rending obsolete your sole intention we are your very essence learn this lesson
Any suggestions on the title?
P.S: Some of these words aren't words. I am aware of that. They make sense if you furrow your brow a bit.