Look, the child is sunk in the sea of deep slumber face down on the sea-shore. Clad in his glittering, exquisite red shirt and tight blue jeans and black shoes he might have reached the sea-shore without informing his elders. See, he is always fond of the vast expanse of the blue sea which must have prompted him to run away to the sea shore from home. No one knows when he reached the sea-shore. One thing is certain it was hours ago. Wandering down the sea-shore for a long time under the blazing sun he might have got tired and exhausted. That might have led him to fall asleep on the sea-shore face down on the sand. ‘Aylaan, Aylaan, Aylaan’ - somebody, perhaps his father or some other elders from home was heard calling him in a frightened voice which was approaching nearer and nearer from a long distance. Naughty Aylaan might have played prank on his elders. In the meanwhile a glum-faced, shocked soldier came near him and saw his lifeless body. No gentleman, he hasn’t bid farewell to the world. He’s sunk in deep, deep, deep sea of slumber. Sure, after sleep he will wake up with a smile in his lips ‘See, I was playing pranks on all’ – would be his response to all.