It was 1984 when I decided to vacation in San Francisco, California It Toured Downtown and the Suburbs But there was a port of San Francisco that Tour Companies wanted Tourist to avoid So I wanted to explore why this specific area was off limits I spoke to the Tour Escort, and he told me how I should dress I had my Jean’s torn and everything out place and wore a Do Rag Bandana around my head Yes head So I ventured up to the area of question No time to talk out in suggestion Now it could have been my Death Nonetheless, I had to see for myself Because I am not like everybody else Courage with assurance No I wasn’t under the influence I was in an Alley surrounded by Motorcycle Gangs had arrived I acted tough I even called their bluff I was told by one of the Motorcycle Leaders, I didn’t fit in But I was determined in not to bend and give in I answered with a tough assured voice, I am here now and what? I managed to survive The experience being totally strive As you can see, I lived to tell my ordeal Oh yes, this story is true and for real It was a reason to explore I just couldn’t ignore I am alive definitely for sure