it's difficult not to feel so empty a glass of water less than half filled when you know there are so many girls/women boys/men who are bleeding because they're over it they don't care anymore they're spilling blood on rooftops in bathrooms behind locked doors but yet they all have reasons you can't judge any one of them
this is one of the reasons why i don't want to become a mother why would i hold a dependent baby inside me when i'm dependent also and the world will corrupt them anyway like it has to me where my mother, wouldn't know if i stained tiles
it's called bubble wrapping overprotecting your children so they grow up and can't handle the world but really maybe their parents are just too terrified of what happened to them, to let it happen to their dependent child
the thought of becoming a mother is difficult to me i wouldn't want to ruin a new life i'd hate to know i didn't fix it even if i never knew, guilt at the world corrupting a child my child would be too much too bear.