so i looked at you and then i said hi the voice that replied with 'hey' froze me and i turned around and i saw you i saw the wide smile i saw the recognition i saw the embers left within me they sparked to life they gave me confidence to say what i needed to let your spirit embrace my soul oh, how amazing it was to see you again how amazing you are for being able to make such a change in the world and i know that you are leaving soon and it hurts my heart to know and i wish you could know that you will be missed by everyone and by me i wish you could know how much of a change you make how you make the world so much better how your light touched a dark and damp soul and sparked a light deep inside how you inspired, spread joy, love, willpower, it takes one man to run a lighthouse for another man to see its light and find home one person can save many lives one person can bring many home i wish you'd see how special you are to me how that smile reached pass the cobwebs of my heart and deep into my soul to light a torch to chase away the shadows see how that torch still burns and has me writing poems dedicated to you.