Black is not a face nor a person, Not a baller nor ***...
it is the period when this sentence is done .
Maybe black is the ooze that drowns sea and fish
or is it that ***** youngβn all hungry with wish
Black is certain as black is your eye when you're fighting just to prove your right (or keep one's hopes alive)
Oh yes, black is what makes the stars shine bright while under it--knocking boots aside... no matter what, love is also made in the darkest of nights...
So why would somebody as golden as me care about one crayon or a stripe of a bee?
Because if nothing is wrong then our skin shouldn't be or much worse --whipped til it bleed...
There is nothing more to say, but let each embrace teach you
Question all history, but now just do you
as long as eyes can take a look know your neighbor, hug that crook experience and love is not from a book.
Surely I'll sit next to you since we ride the same ****** bus, do you get to know my color or speak to living dust?
Black may be just a word that fear blinds from trust.
black is beauty under the sun, til time is rust, til gone is done...
So speak truly and just Be free Lovβin the same as all of us Cherish our Blue her greenest trees Since we do ride that same ole bus...
No words need screams or fistful hate Cuz Black was Moonwalking All up to the Pearly Gates, where the boogie cannot wait...