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Jul 2013
Those eyes
I remember the time I first laid eyes on those eyes
They left me with a fluttering heart and shaky thighs
I wondered who was behind them
It's like they saw right through me
I was as transparent as a window pane

Those eyes
Oh, but those eyes
A sadness always lingers in their depths
Weighted down by the anchor of their past
Such hidden secrets beneath them
They always look so wistful, like a flower with a drooping stem

Those eyes
They never give a thing away
Hiding behind their beautiful grayΒ Β 
So observant
But dare they be observed, never, not a chance
I wish they'd give me a chance

Those eyes
I love when they give me that look
That knowing look
Like we share the worlds biggest secret
Some hoax only we're in on
Like how the sky isn't really blue
And only we know it's true

Those eyes
The things they do to me
I am under their spell, but somehow I am still free
With just one look they leave me naked
They strip me of my semblance
I am so palpable and raw under their gaze
And somehow, they still love what they see

Those eyes
Oh, how I love
*those eyes
Claire E
Written by
Claire E
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