Mankind’s show of ebb and flow Will tax your judgement’s call Where swings of dubious ally choice Determine wisdom’s fall. Who knows selection’s factor? Why pick this errant choice? When the oratory of malfeasance Paints odd the portrait’s voice.
Mankind flies in errant ways Each individual sings In voices of a different hue Each oratory brings? Why judge him for his preference, Why colour him insane When each has lived a lifeline Where extremes created blame?
To wear the cloak of tolerance, To sip anothers wine Engenders an understanding Which builds empathy, in time. In any case, this cast is set, Where ever you may gaze Mankind will seek his own sweet way Despite what wisdom says.
M. At the culmination of the deadlocked Georgia Senate Runoff. 6th January 2021
A reiteration of rationalization, so necessary when approaching the extremes of human behaviour. The coming to terms with the need to live each day within the morass of difference.