You've been counting days you've spent at home I've been counting days I have missed seeing your face
You've been care free smiling and grinning I have been praying you experience that happiness each day of your life
You've been singing songs most about love I have been watching and wishing those were for my heart long as they brought no scars along
You've been taking photographs for your phone to keep I've been wishing I were in those too
You've always sounded beautiful and sweet and sometimes I wished you were candy.
You've been looking beautiful My looks have been fading
I was too silent but these feelings haunted me and I couldn't fight them
You look beautiful in every photograph you take I see the curves too where I wish my hands could fall whenever we hug
You've been quiet girl and I've been missing you
Lockdown taught us how we should cherish those around us when suddenly we couldn't travel and see them face to face but communicate through the phone The love grew deeper This poem tells the story for a lot others out there