They must have been smarter in those yon days of olde when kings actually ride into battles to fight alongside his soldiers and some got killed like Richard the third These days of plans and plenty the kings stays up in their castles and sends the humble troops to fight and get maimed and killed afterwards His Royalty comes down and hands out Medals and says the troops are honoured braves who fought for king and country someone please tell us who is laughing and dining on silverwares and who areΒ Β in wheelchairs living of Army Disability pensions
In another tropical part of the world royal or not go out there with the others fight as we fight and go work and earn as we all do so we have royal doctors and lawyers royals who have no fear of getting their hands ***** royals equally at home with princes and paupers Now that's democracy and why some royals will look bullies in the eye and say I dare you, stinking cowards come outside and lets see what you're made off you *******....