so you take a diamond clasped it in a vice start throwing great clumps of mud at it then project all your complexes and insecurities and insist they are subliminally absorbed by the diamond because somewhere in some minds they believe this diamond will turn into a lump of coal after all it was coal to begin
somehow I cannot suspend my disbelief enough to buy into this and surprising most have not worked out the obvious con here this is not about the diamond at all this is about lets see how many people we can control and manipulate into doing all kinds of ridiculous antics unthinkingly once you offer a reason that captures their interest because the manipulators know their demography
you see amongst most in human terms its more engaging, interesting and adrenaline-fuelled to wade into a Michelangelo or Da Vinci masterpiece and rip it, throw dark paints on it and damage them than if you are to ask people to come along cause they are all to be given oils and brushes and told they are expected to produce a masterpiece like Da Vinci very few people will take up that challenge Manipulators know how east it is to con the general public most especially if you tell them they have the power to turn diamond into coal yes, rrightt!