Memories of blade hit me today The sharp words my dad told to a child age of 8 Make your trust small Make your circles small Keep your walls up Choose wisely who you let in They left, they both left The person I loved left me broken, I wish I can repair The person I let in The person I got close to left Left me in rivers of tears I asked today Why? I don’t get it Why must they all leave ? Why can’t they stay? I asked her why did they all have to leave? I told her this is why I kept my circle small for 18 years I lost both One left me empty and hurt The other left me sad in tears I told her this is why I kept my walls up for 18 years As I did I realized I can’t keep her She will leave me as well I told her this is why I don’t let myself love In the end I realized I can’t keep those I love
The love of my life broke my heart The person I loved left me in pieces My best friend left Two years of my life went down the drain