Canberra crowd Canberra crowd Are little young dudes yeah They want to copy me with pat Because they say I ain’t cool You see You see Canberra crowd are dumb They copy me with what I do And take off my favourite things You see I want You see I want To sing in a choir I don’t people saying I am Too intelligent oh know All Canberra do mate Is want to tease me Me who is the mentally ill man It drives me fucken sick Canberra crowd Canberra crowd Are taking my adult away And making me suffer like a little young dude Well if I have to be one Maybe I will You see my mum wants me To be good to Canberra yeah And not video Canberra kids Cause they don’t like it Even if I say mate That there are a lot of people who Are on the video it drives me fucken nuts But no other person gets copyright laws Like fucken me The world is out to get me mate Canberra are taking my cool away Like Glenn Johnston took my indeprndence away Stop teasing me Canberra crowd With little girls and boys who looked like me I am a cool kid mate you are a fucken man ******* canberra