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Jul 2013
As the sting from each word sets in,
please know
how much you hurt me
each day.

It's hard to keep the ***** down
just picturing your face,
and all the lies that had always hid away
your twisted mind.

I'm still standing in this rain you left me in.
Walking miles and miles each day,
running until my legs give out
trying to escape from all my memories of you.
But you follow,
constantly throwing rocks at my chest
in hopes of shattering my heart
once again,
I suppose.

I find each breath harder to swallow,
as if I had the lungs of a 89 year old smoker.

Each day I watch as you try your hardest to slither your way back into my thoughts.
Attempting to fill my mind with jealousy,
and regret.

All I see of you now is a pathetic little boy,
which you always have been.

no matter how many people you've surrounded yourself with,
will always be alone.
There is no other person in existence that can guarantee anything to you.
Nor does anyone owe you a single ******* thing.
Everyone is alone.
Whether they like it or not.
All with the instinct of being a complete and utter selfish *******.

I hope you read this.
And I hope it hurts.
And that you realize that you are no better than I,
or anyone else.
Written by
   Ofelia Rose, Lizabeth and Emma E Jones
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