maybe someday I’ll spill my guts to you lay out everything that has hurt me and is still hurting me give the story behind every poem I’ve ever written and heard and loved maybe I’ll tell you everything, you who was not here to witness who didn’t see the rise and fall of rome, the death of Latin but the survival of it’s plays you who hasn’t been here long enough for the unfurling maybe I’ll rip off all my petals show you the inner workings myself maybe someday, I’ll tell you all the parts that I leave out, when I comfort you from the same burdens that crushed me show you all the scars on my tongue, from biting it around you tell you the stories these scars held back maybe someday I’ll just simply tell you everything introduce you to my demons and let you see the monstrous teeth that sit in rows behind my own the blood under my fingernails, not all someone else’s and see what you do maybe someday I’ll tell you everything maybe someday I'll spill my guts to you maybe, maybe one day