It’s shift change, and pit stains paint my blue shirt.
My feet hurt, and I’m ready to leave work, but the teenage party **** doesn’t come in, so of course I am not leaving, just grieving my lost evening freedom.
Sixteen-hour anxiety, cause I almost O.D. on carbonated caffeine, as the sugar and acid eat away causing painful tooth decay.
Make it home and hope to get enough sleep to make it through my next shift.
Unload those greasy clothes onto my bathroom floor before I change into my holy t-shirt and ripped up shorts. Don’t even make it to the shower cause I am out in less than a quarter of an hour after I enter the front door.
In again, wash, and repeat, I know this isn’t me. I could do so much more.
Boss yells get your times down! Fix this order! Stop lounging, if you got time to lean, ya got time to clean.”
My co-workers only see another cog in the fast-food machine. Even when I’m not clowning, I am still a joke to them.
So, tired but it’s not just sleep that I need. So, burnt out that I just want to up and leave, but I’m twenty-three and it won’t be till I am twenty-eight that I get free, running off to another city to get a higher degree and escape this restaurant barely get paid minimum wage nightmare.