We’re out for a walk on an unusually warm fall afternoon On the street corner we wait on A faded poster is stapled to the wood of a telephone pole She tells me, That lost dog posters make her feel sad That somebody somewhere, is missing their fluffy little guy And that they probably won’t find them Because when did a poster ever do any good Dogs are like people, She says If you don’t find them in the first 24 hours They’re more than gone The poster, is a last ditch effort At finding something you lost And it isn’t really an effort As much as it is a scream into the void A wish that others will acknowledge your pain
I wonder, if she likes me Because she thinks I’m a lost dog She never saw the poster for So she took me home, Gave me a bowl and some water A soft warm place to sleep and two walks a day A cuddle at night when the lightning is heavy I wonder If she sees me as missing From somebody else So she took pity on me, and took me in herself Was my dating profile My lost dog poster Did she see the name and number, what I answered to and what I liked What I was wearing on the day I went missing And know that no one would find me, why else was there a poster Thought if I didn’t have a place, Well wouldn’t a dog be nice?
A bit of an experimental piece, see what you think