How well-equipped our astronauts are, Such rigorous standards set for them by their governments. It strikes me there are certain things a psychonaut should be, Some level of training to make us proficient in these practices.
How to build a program or curriculum, And how do we assess one's competency in configuring mind? We can qualify it but without a quantifiable unit of measurement; We can only teach through experience. We must borrow from other disciplines, Adopting as many methods of description as are useful. Ultimately our notation will fail the exploration of inner-space, I think no metric can adequately represent how we navigate a soul The territory we meander through is so different yet we may share an inkling between people.
There is this feeling that some experiences are ineffable. No, I think it's that they affect our means of expression. States of mind that break through self-concept, dissolve our components, ego, id or otherwise.
We must reconcile postmodern relativism with the richness of our own subjectivity.
Sometimes I worry it is merely a question of language.