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Nov 2020
Blush, eyeshadow, and mascara, the empty glare from the dusty mirror distorted the reality from the situation. Self confidence levels being at an all time low, Separates any sane or rational thoughts that arose. The round dusty mirror accentuated my round, big face. A loud sigh of unsureness escaped my lips. For once my face accentuated beauty and enchantress. For once my sorrow destroyed the beauty and the vision of youth. For no fountain of youth couldn't affix. For which desire couldn't be apprehended. For beauty is a dark silhouette in a never ending hole. When you think you're near you retract by force and throw backwards. You repudiate in shock of the dark cloudy truth. For beauty was a simulated fantasy lead on by hope, For beauty stands as an undivided presupposition.
Written by
Nicole  17/F
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