The fox runs alongside the astronaut, who looks at a picture frame. Around the fox’s neck, a white bandana. There, on the spooky moon, his only company is the fox colored aluminum.
The aluminum fur of the fox blends into the moonscape. The ship is empty aside from them and the spooky remanence of the rest of the crew. As the lone astronaut works to return home, his only comfort being the bandana and the picture frame.
The frame that holds a photo of a woman, standing before the ship of aluminum. Tied around her hair, the bandana which has since been given to the fox. The memories it brings ever haunting the astronaut making the moon ever more spooky.
The spooky feeling is not eased by the frame as the remains of passed astronauts are trapped in this aluminum ship, the lone survivors being the man and the fox. He keeps his thoughts on the bandana.
Her bandana, given to him on a dark and spooky day, which he then gave to the fox so he may pretend the woman in the frame isn’t millions of miles away from them. A fox of aluminum and a lonely astronaut.
The astronaut chooses to focus on returning to the woman without her bandana. He works tirelessly to get the aluminum rocket ship off the spooky and desolate moon, and back to earth, to see the woman in the frame. By his side on this barren rock, looking up at him, stands the fox.
The astronaut refuses to let the spooky atmosphere deter him from his goal of returning the bandana to the woman in the frame, ever thankful for the company of the aluminum fox.
A sestina made with words randomly given to me by a friend.