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Jul 2013
The coldest day of winter
Snowflakes fall on the rooftop
Beautiful white velvet carpet
all around,
silky white garden...
The sun is sleeping all season
So does the heart of mine..
Frozen cold...frozen the memory of you
Just like the frozen winter
Our heart will silently melt away...
buried deep within the ground...
The silence is eating me...
the winter breeze...
sends the chills down my spine
and suddenly I feel like Flying,
flying high with my little wings
Searching for love that never fails

Just like the fallen snow
My heart soon melts and again I forgive
Sing again a love song
To a chorus that is the night
With the orchestra leads by the crickets
and the moon will shine again
Shine, shine velvet moon
Till last you fade from sight

My winter's love
a season of nightmare
When you left me alone
in the coldest night
But gentle heart only knows love,
and Hears sweet love in the songs you play
Where this heart swallows play and die
and love stays, stays forever in gentle dream
Beneath the candles in the sky
let us swear to forget winter foolishness
and start again... our love rendezvous...
Love stays...Β Β another season... another year..
Sharina Saad
Written by
Sharina Saad  Malaysia
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