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Oct 2020
Our world has changed
Like never before it's so
Sad coronavirus is here
And it's here to stay
Taken our loved ones away
We practice social distancing
Every day to keep this killer
Virus away no more hugs
Or kissing no more handshaking
Or greeting it's just and other
Coronavirus death today
No more happiness and joy it's
Taken away like never before
Coronavirus on the radio
Coronavirus in the news
Sadness all around the world and it
Draws a lonely tear in my eyes and
My heart feels your pain but
When will this horrible virus
Ever go away and
It's just and other death again but
With the Lord's guiding light
As he guides me home safe every night
I wash my hands straight away
And I thank the Lord I'm safe today but
I promise Lord Jesus Christ I'll love and pray for
Everyone's suffering from Coronavirus
Every day.

David P Carroll.
Our World Under Attack ❤️💖
David P Carroll
Written by
David P Carroll  M/Ireland
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