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Oct 2020
In our darkness we are met with bleak
Them shadows taunt and haunt
We fear them
Each time shrieking in the dark
Over time we see but feel more accustomed to, we stay in center line or send them shadows love
New shadows emerge we feel, fear, we accept we purge again sending love when we may
The view becomes clearer it transforms to a mirror
The image reflects our inner beliefs and grievances
Everything that annoys you can be found in me and mirror reverse too
Everything that I treasure is within my sanctum my jewels are worn too within the mirror starer
We share this same space
Though you have to look closely at times
My distaste dislike love compassion empathy apathy security insecurity gift grievances are all mine and yours on similar line
We together carry share lift unburden and shed the load each time
Then to the next reflector
To see deeper and clearer
To mirror more love
acceptance and compassion
Kate Rebecca Hopwood
Written by
Kate Rebecca Hopwood  38/F/Liverpool
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