My lovely grandson who had a special direction he followed with devotion and certainty.
He felt everything could be accomplished with determination faith, hope in all we do, and believe we can do!
A young man with a dream that becomes a reality, (Save A life).
He always said; “If we want something bad enough, we'll push ourselves to that goal we want to achieve, no matter what the sacrifice.”
That was Robbie, a man who never gave up on a idea that could help another rider be saved without dying in vain.
Robbie done it. His father started the “Robert Dollar Foundation” (Save a life).
He has passed into another dimension still pushing his ideas.
Now, “The Robert Dollar Foundation” coming from Robbie's dream of saving a life, has become a true reality.
A lot of work to save a life, but every life is worth saving. Robbie Dollar! Power-man of determination, belief in him self, had his dream accomplished by his father and all who love him dearly.
Hard work saves a life.
We All Love Robbie Dollar (Power-Man) family, friends, and all those who have lost life in vain.
Thank you to Robert Dollars Father John Dollar, for making his son's dream come true..Where ever he is, I know he is proud of his Dad for making his fondest dream (Save A Life) happen.
A BIG THANK YOU, to all the wonderful people that made Rob's dream come true.