So it comes to pass of that they see as power muzhiks not far from Bolsheviks all enslaved in the bubbling simmering lava of the befuddled proletariats and of them who stormed Nicholas' winter palace and in murderous rage annihilated red blood they painted blue does power begets condemnation to find solace in bloodlust and in time did the fathers find freedom for their children as Stalin littered lives in millions do DictatorsΒ Β vacate palaces to join the simples in shacks and bricks and gulags and did the bellowing masses herded in left find right in righteous neon light why sing Democracy in forked tongues and use the blood of others to congeal the lies and deceit of the naked greed of the greedy usurpers who craves power to mask their dressed in finery greed while underneath the silken Chinese rug the stench of thieves and corruption reeks while peoples power always lacks the sense of smell the momentum continues.....