Pandemic is in control But did the world fully take hold? Questions with no answers We are up against a Plague Let’s see 2 CHRONICLES 7:14, “If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked way, then will hear from Heaven, and forgive their Sins, and will heal their land” So the world has done something wrong We seem to not want to get along Deceit is full of shortcut to cheat We are not praying what Heaven expects Yet, the world wants the Pandemic to go in full effect But it takes the world coming together in full pray in order for the Pandemic to disappear We must give into Heaven’s trust in order for the world to preserver It is no more than right The 2 Chronicles 7:14 did shed that very light The world thinks the Pandemic will leave on it’s own That means not leading to your own understanding So everything surrounding the Plague is remaining It is not a scientific theory So may see as a mystery The scripture says it all The Pandemic is defeat being the world’s fall Some would differ and denied But a big question would be why? This is definitely time to pray We shouldn’t treat this Pandemic as being another day If the world truly believes in the Holy Scriptures, there should be no doubt It could be preached from any mount But we are in moments with the Pandemic in days to count Prayer is the key in getting the Pandemic out This is what the theory is all about We are embodied, but are we fulfilled? Let see moving forward in where my words will go I have time, and will be observing the flow