Unintended circumstances brought me back Where the wild things are. Or were. Youthful images reemerge as I traverse my old home. A senseless vagabond roaming former lands With bittersweet observations and nothing short of good intentions. Old landmarks remain, others disappeared as I did. My room remains open and lonely with tidied sheets And outdated athletic apparel scattered throughout. A sign that my presence here is obsolete. I've been dreading this day for some time now. Not due to my father's underwhelming support Or my mother's overbearing nature. I've been dreading this day because of the monsters under my bed. They don't exist anymore. I'm not afraid anymore. My biggest childhood worry vanished the minute I stepped foot out of the house for good. So when I stepped foot back into my room to fall asleep I gave one last look where my nightmares once resided. Just in case I had fooled myself into becoming one of The vast majority of adults too mature for childhood villains. And then it happened- my innocence evaporated from my body. My sophisticated eyes were no match for my former foes. I had confirmed the last traces of my youth had been eliminated From my very existence- migrating under mattresses around the block. So all I can do now is lie here and reminisce about Where the wild things are now.