Compliance is only Implied to be involuntary Committing yourself to others Obligations Making your life work according to Expectations Faking your soul's net worth is exasperating, And if you can't relate, You're probably okay Part of the 20% or less Of the populous Not stuck in survival What a privilege that must be To never know Fight, Flight or Freeze I know them well, not as friends Not as enemies No, you can't relate. But you say it anyway, "Things get better, life? Worth living, just give it time because that's all life is giving," No. You're okay. No need to be chained to a radiator in another person's brain No odio nadie, love is just pain minus the hate Like if your lover doesn't like you, You love them anyway. Ceaseless, timeless and without rest, Testing the limits of the heat off the sun's crest But I digress- Death is the only outcome, So why act surprised when a number comes up? Fear of death is fear of life itself So until you taste death, Tienes miedo de ambos