If made to have An axe to grind Rubbing with nails A social scar Left behind, Ethnic groups Itching to go for One another’s throat Hard may not be To find.
With the aim to gain Cheap popularity By using impish trick Employing scare tactic To hack social fabric Phony politicians Exhume the hatchet Among ethnic groups To blow Previous petty clashes Out of proportion From the groups’ Time-old Chemistry And the Chemistry’s Good side Deflecting attention.
“Dislodge that Ethnic group From its abode, Which must fall In our fold. Burn others’ Houses and churches Forget the Fear of God Demographic engineering Is instrumental In ethnic cleansing. We must do that With a single swoop If it is our wont To win in our region A majority vote.
Wipe out Ethnic group Any other Than ous None is better.”
“Population boom, Coupled with Resource depletion, Could court our Race’s extinction This justifies Others’ extermination. Even those That palisaded With bone and blood The nation And to hand it down To this generation Who cared Must not be spared.
External support We could get From those For various advantages More than willing Revolution to export.”
"Shall we conclude To Auschwitz We must allude?"//
What is happening right now under my nose-- narrow ethnic nationalism that does not accommodate unity in divercity