I am several more times more than then and ten tenths more than most men you'll meet but I can't meet you in the day because you'll take my breath away and leave me wondering if I am,ten tenths more than any other man, why can't I look you in the eye and say I love you more and more than any other day that I've walked through and again I wonder do you understand how fallen,shallow is the man who stands before unable to raise his hand to knock at your door. did you dream of me and if you did why was it that I could not see that what you saw once more I try to knock upon your door and if I am the cancer would you answer yes or no?
Toe to toe and cheek to cheek if you would seek the truth of me open up your eyes,deep brown and see me. In my humility I am that familiarity that you would yearn, turn away look into the brightness of another day and tell me,say go away. you're not welcome here I fear you do not trust your tongue or words of yours that would run unchecked and free look at me tell and feel just what you see just be.