I've been with you for more than 10 years From day one I was just average I didn't even want to grow Living one day at a time
But life got really, really hard I found myself being at a crossroad To retract a step would mean I lost But the front was dark and lightless
I decided to move forward still Really because of my tiny one And that just changed the course of my life I was relentless and driven to soar
Years go by with many achievements Some were so immensely proud I am forever grateful But that path was filled with tears and breakdowns Some were seen, most were hidden
I just moved forward without hesitation But somehow I just can't, just can't anymore I don't have that glow, not anymore Really didn't enjoy it, just no more
Hence I decided to give a go With all my might and prayers to God May this new path be better But really there's never a guarantee
I leave you with a very heavy heart Day in and day out I just persevere Hope it will go on, filled with success and more Because really, that is my ultimate goal
It's never really a goodbye More to see you soon Never really apart Just a tiny bit distanced
Thank you For all and all and just all For giving me the room to grow Thank you