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Sep 2020
Lemon honey in tea, with a swirl of cream. Inhale the morning.  
Cats are lying in the beams of light that shine through  
the old farmhouse glass. Being the Queens that they are.  
In the distance smoke from the neighbor’s chimney rises through the woods  
and fades like a sweet dance.  
In this peace filled space of mine I wonder.  
Wonder where you are, what you are doing, if you  
ever feel my true heart from here to there?  
The heart where countless of hours were spent in your arms  
laughing like children experiencing the innocent, the new.  

Now sitting on the front porch with an old embroidered shawl  
my grandmother made I slide into the moment of sigh.  
Content in being alone, in the center of nature’s universe.  
The crisp air filling my lungs and clearing my thoughts.  
While the depths of silence allow me to engage in a new  
day free form.    
No rules anymore, no guilt or shame.  No  
feeling the loss of you from my every moment.    

You see, the real you.  The one you so wanted to be was embedded  
inside this space deep within me.  A place where I will always hope  
and dream with you.  A place where love was born before  
the Armageddon of truth hit us both.  

~The bouquet of fresh flowers I cut for the day, are cut for me, and loved  
for the precious moments shared and lost by our selfishness.  A breath of fresh air  
on a misplaced grave.  
I pray for those we hurt and hope they found their space to shine in this world.  

It’s then that I place my tea down on my desk…open my journal and etch upon  
paper,  to dream inside the places only fools go.  

It’s my life…my day…my selfless simplicity.
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