It was hard in those trenches. Cut off from the rest of the world. Cold and wet And muddy.
Left without the right equipment: Brush handles for rifles. The government sending the right signals But sadly failing to produce. We soldiered on, Following the rules of engagement Laid down by the top brass. Keep your head down lad!
We dug in for weeks. Not knowing what day it was. No sense of time. Our old routines long gone. Nowhere to go And nothing to do But hide.
But then we emerged. Looking forward to victory. Marching heads aloft Across the battlefield. Confident that soon our boffins will come up With some A Bomb to Finish them off.
But wait. The enemy isn’t finished. Indeed it’s resurgent. Gathering it’s troops For a deadly Counter-attack.
We may be war weary. Fed up of the carnage And having to hide Like rats.
But, “Back to the trenches boys (and girls!)!” Is the cry From above. Our commanders are in a panic. They steer us to the nearest bolt hole As Meerkats escaping a bird of prey. For we may be weary Of all this But our enemy is deadly. Our enemy? You guessed it: Covid 19.