It is out there and some with good cause We can read it and feel it The search is for kindness and goodness in our changing world Not partisan but from the heart Too many have been pained and jolted into something beyond inconceivable You matter and what matters has forever changed for some Some won't change and that unfortunately is the way that it is If writing and poetry gives people something to hold on to Hopefully striving forward than it is a wonderful gift We can't throw in the towel and give up Naysayers need not read further This is not Pollyanna in any means There is a two year old and four month old that deserve a better world to live in No hate, injustice, and a cleaner environment My nephews and nieces deserve the best My wish is that those people in your family are loved and treasured enough that the need for Poetry never goes away It isΒ Β one of my very best friends and always will be