Fashioned by grace amazing and mercy Divine. Wrought by his unparalleled Passion: His suffering, death and resurrection-- The cross of Christ in Calvary Is the lone bridge, the only ladder That reconnects man to his Maker.
No one who has traversed That Golgotha-link hath ever Fall'n into the deep r'ver Of hell 'neath, nor by damnation Touched in Satan's condemnation.
"Hey, what about so-and-so prophet," Said one, "and such-and-such sect?"
I do not, sir, over religion quibble. Compare to grave matters--trifle. Get books and the Bible. It's futile, Argument, making a sage an imbecile.
And why lose friends to gain foes, Multiplying instead one's woes?
God doth not any man in life compel. Each soul chooses 'tween heaven and hell. Yet his love daily he whispers to you And i. College cobber, that is true.
"Oh, you are just a pedestrian Writer, without wits and sans brain, Like an *Onitsha-market author."
"Thou art also a paltry poet, a bad bard. Folks should simply thy collections discard. For i can nought make of thy poetry ethos. Your works wherefore are but bathos."
Hallelujah!! Praise i Jehovah!
"Hell. Away now thou pedantry."
Thanks for your commentary-- It's heavenly--erudite Professor.
Faith ferments finer than wine. Thy decision it is with whom to dine.
The self-righteous, the holier-than- Thou art, who prefers to leap Over to God on his on major merit Will always go under the heap--
Thinking he can close the chasm Created by sin, And cover the gulf caused by transgression By ritualistic rules and doctrinal devotion, But ends up in some bedlam-- In Sheol's loony bin.
Broad are the twain heaven's arms Filled with warmth and soothing balm Often open to embrace prodigal souls.