At times it seems that lines are all I've got not complaining though 'cause I like lines I like lines a lot they're sleek and meet you far away.
I walk on these lines everyday straight lines I find are always best can't stand the wavy ones the crazy ones that shuffle,scuffle and take you round the bend they're enough to send me off the rails send me on uncharted trails.
I like the lines of beauty infinite in symmetry delightful in simplicity a lack of them in this,the City but I don't mind I find the ones I know are here and wander off to some unknown end where other lines that angle off will send me back again and I refrain from deviating off these lines into other scrub marked lines which are the lines of older times well trodden down and almost worn away but they'll remain and stay as a memory of what lines should never and not be.
I see those lines scored on your face a face a face I see the grace and beauty too that is what these lines of times can do each mile post sign etched by a line and so lovely for me to see it means I'm on the road on which you live and heading off to be another line upon the track another never looking back and one more reason why I love these lines so left so,so right so knocking on your door on what is halfway through the night I hope the future that we see is lit by lines so bright they'll light another line upon the road another road upon each line and one more time that we will be in Synchronicity a harmonic playing in an eternity of lines.