Does true love exist! If it does, does it die. Does it truly end. What if anything can lead to the ebbing away of that which we truly treasure. What would that be? This is the million dollar question!
If you knew what it is. How do you come back from it? This I would truly desire to know To learn not to walk on egg shells If anything, life is to be lived to it's potential. Sitting back, second guessing does no one any good.
Love is kind and gracious. It has no harm intent So why do we feel hurt and harmed in the hand of our loved ones. How do we live each moment in love without all the fears. Is to leave another to love them. What about true love. Unending love that promises to endure
Truly, I have lived and seen what true love is about It loves without judgement. It encourages and supports the other. True love truly can be unending. It's the meshing of all to abound in beauty.
We are certainly fallible We fall short many a times We wrong and hurt those we love But do we truly mean to do it.
Do we set out with intentions to continually harm those we love. Certainly we don't, unless, we don't mean to love I love with my heart. It often hurts not being clear about it I know I can love with my actions.
I have loved and felt the hurt of love taken away. In hindsight guilt envelops Through out omission or neglect. We've ravaged a heart that we once loved. I believe in true unending love.
The kind of love that endures To persevere is to win We truly want to love with no conditions Love that warms the heart It feels good to be loved and to love I have loved you and that made me whole Fighting for this love is what I choose to do. True love reigns supreme