I sat alone in this house for a month haunted by millions of ghosts in the walls, in the floors, in all of my draws I sat alone in this house afraid dreading the last call of the night where all would leave and I remain alone
I sat in this house longing for the constant company I once had and craved the sounds of home yet I forget that home is the sounds of yelling and power and all of the things that make me want to be small
I sat in this house free walking around in nothing but ****** not trapped in my room fighting hopelessness trying to will myself into doing something anything hoping the darkness doesn’t win
you can’t be bad for a month she screams at me, for I used all the towels and didn’t wash them because sadness held me down and even breathing was hard once the people left and the ghosts remain
I fear for the paradox if I am unable to be alone yet perish when they return where do I thrive where do I live without these rocks that have made my ribcage their home pulling my chest closer and closer to the floor and begging stagnation to stay
if I am unable to be alone yet crave blood when they return where do I live for here is not living
this is not a home this is a house plagued by ghosts some of which with heartbeats some of which smell like honey and flowers sickly and sweet
this is not a home this is a house plagued by ghosts and one of those ghosts is me