Act one is the timeless joy of the hope that a new life brings, before the curtain falls . When everything is possible to a world that’s lost in sin . When innocence is lost you can stray too far from home ,
so nothing is as it seems , and you wonder where the clowns have gone ? They just hide behind their sneering smiles , and life in all its gawdy ness is now where You think you belong .?
But Those pritty looks and charming smiles are now ruin to a bottle of gin ,and life’s great act just wanders on again and again and again .
But the final act has yet to come you must enter the stage once more , the tyranny of modern man . For life's great highways seem far away , as you have walked where the snake and cockroaches gather their nests in empty doorways along your way .
And all you have is six shillings to last you through the night , unless you flutter your eyelids to that gentleman , for your lodgings for he will gladly pay . And yet each day goes on as summer follows spring , as the seasons morph into most glorious days . Man with all his struggles does the best he can , for he was never asked if he wanted to live or die , yet here he is awoken to a screaming babies cry.