Alone she left him dying as if a thousand daggers were there . Alone he felt her breathing but he knew she wasn’t there . Alone he stood as if for hours wondering where she had gone ? then realised it must have been the flowers , O where did he go wrong ?
A single candel stick now lies flickering upon a lump of wax , where there once was a table and on that was a cat !
But the cat left when in hot pursuit of a mouse , which kept him thinking where on earth did she go ?
Now the dinner Theodore had set before her covered the room , from head to toe .
So Theodore as charming as men go , set off in hot persuit of the woman who he loved , through the door , she left her glass slipper on the floor , down the steps , and galloped away .
So to this day he still could not find her , and that was many moons ago .
So if you hear horses hoofs and neighing when you come to stay , Just remember Theodore isn’t far away .