And she came before his moment Not unlike The clamshell breathe That exhaled enough Of gritty debris And salty waste To stir warm waters to rise
A momentum growing From one minuscule Molluskular Involuntary reaction To his “pain in her mask” Pure no count dumb fuckery
A momentum that would rise And fall To onslaught Tidal wave effects
And land (An understatement at the very least) Onto his his psyche (She sees dumb **** beach) And leave in tatters
Browned and dimmed Once fresh pressed Buttoned downed to tanned flattened navel Supremely white cotton shirt And smirking logo stitched on it
And she would grin Clamshell wide At how his smile once matched the smirk Of the perfectly put and odd little logo That sat (almost mocking her) Upon his white shirt
But now due to The much needed exhale (Involuntary Molluskular removal of little more that bits of would be ****)
Had left him only the expression Of purely God Smacked