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Jun 2013
I gave you permission to hold my heart
You held it in the palm of your hands
Promised not to break it apart
It was a risk and I took the chance
Soon it was clear that you were the one
I felt like my heart had won
the winning prize
But soon it was clear
That he fooled my eyes
with filthy lies
and broken promises

This man had my happiness
in the palm of his hands
He knew that I was weak
so he used it to his advantage
as I loosened my defence

His mouth talked *******
but his body meant business
I can tell by the way he said my name
as we walked during our dates

He was a liar but honest about his past
Gave you a one-way ticket to paradise
made you weak as you fell for the eyes
who ultimately deceived you not once
but oh so many **wicked times
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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