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Aug 2020
A little be wretched cricket by the name of Jebda didst so sit,
upon the drat of problems...the world, a natural fink,
a setting stone, well and upon it
From hierarchy of the plains a sight to see,
the dowry of lemon trees, the vines awful
motors of the human beings...
yet intent on that day, was Jebda's way and so, went for a jump
Past old leaves dead as junk, a corpse of an ant, a plant burr, in a lump
Making way so quickly through the air, the sight of swimming creatures a thunder...far under the throws of
the greatest of distances, did so the cricket care to jump, were made
On route, on way to the place, for some, and needed
for most.. a grain deposit, a love,
a way to find which insects were friends and have a toast

Clouds of pain were sometimes about, filled with
the fluttering of beetles, butterflies and those insects
of which from the shed had been cast out..
Disease of interests too silly and on a whim,
thought Jebda, a life as simple and a grand hop to win,
these bugs had failed to find much in it to his chagrin

'I trust the rains, I trust the sun but I confess a
human is never the answer for a day
that is well begun' Jebda spoke to his little fairy,
or spry fly, he could never really tell,
but the feelings were mutual and they
thought that together they could dwell..

with others in the room to follow, all that is shallow shall be known,
as simple prizes left on the paths: no cats, a fallen ice cream cone

Preach as they did, Jebda soon made retreat,
the old swarm of night mosquitoes was a good bet
Lest to beat the sounds of another swarm didst
it get a rivaled need for treat and the two may fight
A problem not if you were safe by your hole,
with a weapon next to your favorite seat
Return Jebda did before any terror, the rifle of a hunt went off,
the milling of a crop had made loud fusion,
but life doesn't get much scarier.
A bottle of rotted wheat it looked was sure to add a conclusion

Set for days, Jebda lauded
'what do the humans call it, beer" the friends that night
applauded and even the fairy had joined for the cheer.
All in a days journey for Jebda the cricket, a life is too thin to waste,
do what you must, make haste, make haste
(this silly poem isn't wonderful but it feels like you've been on a journey)
Written by
KorbydAngyle  50/M/Hyde Park Los Angeles
(50/M/Hyde Park Los Angeles)   
   Seranaea Jones and Juneau
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