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Jun 2013
I come not
From a broken home
From a broken life
Or broken dreams
I come from a broken mind, not so easy to see
From the first draw of blood I made, I knew I wasn't the same
It was love at first sight, my secret beautiful blade
It was perfect.
We spent time together
She was there for me
Like no one was before
She gave me enough pain, utmost pleasure
Always wanting more
Until one day, someone saw
My lovely secret out
They took her away, my wonderful blade
They didn't understand this love affair that had come about
They told me she was precarious
Full of diseases and grime
This scared me enough, so that I haven't returned
To flirt with my old obsession
But from time to time
When I consider deeply
I never learned my lesson
Written by
Natasha  25/F/here, there & everywhere
(25/F/here, there & everywhere)   
   Djs, Hamad, Eleanor Wright and Traveler
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